Marvel Clear Vision, Jetix, Prawnsoda
SPIDER-MAN '67 (4)
SPIDER-MAN '95 (5)
X-MEN (11)
Original Spider-Man 1-1
Title: Original Spider-Man 1-1 (1967)
Episodes: 1-6
Cataloge: MAR1016
Design: Brian Roberts
Illustration: Martin Griffiths
Microsite: Superheroes On DVD
Buy now: Click Here
Info: Spider-Man, Spider-Man. Does whatever a spider can. Spins a web, any size. Catches thieves - just like flies. Look out! Here comes the Spider-Man!...

Spider-Man, Spider-Man. Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man. Wealth and fame? He's ignored. Action is his reward. To him, life is a great big bang-up. Wherever there's a hang-up, you'll find the Spider-Man!

Are you singing?

Original Spider-Man 1-2
Title: Original Spider-Man 1-2 (1967)
Episodes: 7-13
Cataloge: MAR1020
Design: Brian Roberts
Illustration: Martin Griffiths
Microsite: Superheroes On DVD
Buy now: Click Here
Info: Freelance photographer Peter Parker transforms into the costumed crime fighter, Spider-Man, to protect the city from a bewildering line-up of Marvel® Comics villains including the Rhino, Dr. Magneto and Mysterio, Whilst frequently coming to the rescue of troublesome Daily Bugle editor J. Jonah Jameson.


Original Spider-Man 1-3
Title: Original Spider-Man 1-3 (1967)
Episodes: 14-20
Cataloge: MAR1024
Design: Brian Roberts
Illustration: Martin Griffiths
Microsite: Superheroes On DVD
Buy now: Click Here
Info: Freelance photographer Peter Parker transforms into the costumed crime fighter, Spider-Man, to hold back a wave of robberies by the ultimate Marvel® Comics villains including Dr. Octopus, the Green Goblin and the Vulture, Whilst constantly helping his boss J. Jonah Jameson out of dire straits.


Original Spider-Man 2-1
Title: Original Spider-Man 2-1 (1968)
Episodes: 1-6
Cataloge: MAR1027
Design: Brian Roberts
Illustration: Simon Williams and Liam Shalloo
Microsite: Superheroes On DVD
Buy now: Click Here
Info: The origins of Spider-Man are traced as Peter Parker gets bitten by a radioactive spider and transforms into the wall-crawling super hero. Juggling a busy job at the Daily Bugle with a life of crime fighting, Spider-Man clashes with the formidable Kingpin, the evil Skymaster and the frightening horde of Molemen.